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Hot water heating

​According to US Department of Energy hot water heating is the second largest user of energy in a home.  It accounts for roughly 20% of your energy bill. ​Although this house uses a standard electric resistance water heater...don't think it's done nothing to reduce the amount of energy spent on water heating!


Reduce Transmission Losses

>  The hot water heater is centrally located to shorten lengths of pipe runs and reduce the amount of heat lost in transmission.

​>  All hot water pipes are insulated by R5 insulation.

​Reduce the Amount of Hot Water Used

High efficiency dishwasher and clothes washer and low flow faucets and shower heads use between 20-60% less hot water than typical appliances and fixtures, reducing the demand for hot water.

Capturing Heat - Before it Goes Down the Drain!

The house was designed so that all upper baths drain to a single main drain.  This main drain has a drain waste recovery system.  Drain waste heat recovery captures the heat from drain water and preheats the incoming main water supply, raising it's temperature and lowering the amount of energy needed to heat water.  The transmission rate for heat for the installed drain waste recovery system is 53%. This system not only allows less energy to be used to create hot water, it allows a smaller hot water tank to be installed  as it heats water faster.

Minimize Standby Losses

This system also allows a smaller hot water tank to be used, further reducing energy use by minimizing the amount of energy is needed to keep water hot in the tank 24/7.

Do I look out of place?

What in the world?

How drain waste heat recovery works.

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