Lighting and appliances
> Over 50% of the fixtures in the house are Energy Star rated.
> Over 90% of the lights on each floor are either compact fluorescent lights (CFL’s) or fluorescent lights which are 4 -6 times more efficient that incandescent light bulbs.
ENERGY STAR qualified refrigerators are designed to be at least 20% more energy efficient than the minimum federal standard. The Energy Star refrigerator installed at 311 Varnum has energy costs in the bottom 10% of all Energy Star refrigerators.
Washing Machine
ENERGY STAR qualified clothes washers use about 30% less energy and over 50% less water than regular washers. Many qualified clothes washers also have a greater capacity than conventional models, meaning fewer loads of laundry. The model installed at 311 Varnum exceeds 2007 Energy Star guidelines for both energy and water efficiency.
ENERGY STAR qualified dishwashers are, on average, 10% more energy efficient than non-qualified models. The model installed is Energy Star qualified and uses 39% less energy and 60% less water than older dishwashers.